House Bill 1404 – School Accountability; authored by Rep. Tony Cook (R-Cicero)
House Bill 1476 – Post Graduation Outcome Funding Metrics; authored by Rep. Todd Huston (R-Fishers)

Bills seek to align high school performance measures and incentives with more meaningful post-high school outcomes, including student completion of industry-recognized credentials, enrollment in postsecondary education/training and military enlistment.

Chamber Position:

The Latest: Heard by the House Ways and Means (HB 1476) and House Education (HB 1404) committees; votes are expected on both bills next week.

Chamber Action/Commentary: These two measures are approaching the same issue from slightly different angles, namely ensuring Indiana’s high school graduates are prepared for success in work and in life. House Bill 1404 aims to align the state’s A-F school accountability system, which is currently based on standardized test scores and graduation rates, with metrics more closely linked to students’ long-term success. Outcome measures being considered include student completion of industry-recognized credentials valued by Indiana employers, enrollment in postsecondary education/training programs and military service. Meanwhile, HB 1476 would create a financial incentive for schools to help their students achieve these positive outcomes through performance grants administered by the Governor.

Taken together, these bills offer a dual carrot-and-stick approach that looks beyond the high school diploma in equipping students with the skills valued by higher education and employers alike. The Indiana Chamber has been advocating publicly and working behind the scenes to make the case for a simpler and more meaningful school accountability system that’s understood by parents and is aligned with the needs of Hoosier students and employers. These proposals signal a shift away from test scores as the primary means for determining whether students are prepared for success beyond high school while also recognizing – and rewarding – the critical role schools play in driving these positive outcomes.

Resource: Jason Bearce at (317) 264-6880 or email: