Students in the coming generations follow trends in step with their peers. That means students in Indiana will likely follow a current trend affecting national education – the rejection of the traditional general MBA degree.

“The very nature of work is changing … so the way we educate and train future leaders and employees will have to change in parallel.” – C. Tad. Brinkerhoff, Director of MBA Programs, University of Illinois

The reasons for the decline of the MBA degree aren’t simple to trace, but the impact that such factors have on the business career climate will become significant for our students after their graduation.

BestColleges has authored an article about the future of the MBA, with data on shifting student interests, political causes and discussion of its possible evolution. The goal is to prepare students with the information they need to make the right decisions for their best success, alongside preparing businesses for the shift in employment character.

The full article from BestColleges.