Dr. Rajiv Sharma is an Indian born Board Certified Gastroenterologist who currently practices in Terre Haute, Indiana. He trained at the prestigious Loma Linda University, California and University of Rochester, New York. His deep passion for healthy eating, healthy living and a wholesome lifestyle led him to embark on a mission to educate and empower global citizens lead a healthy lifestyle. Being a practicing Integrative Gastroenterologist who cares for thousands of people every year, he has a unique perspective of what the modern day consumer is seeking for achieving good health and wellness.

As he amalgams experiences from his childhood yesteryears in India with what he has learned in America as a doctor and father, he humbly believes he is ready to trailblaze the world, bearing the torch of enlightenment on digestive health. He has witnessed the obesity epidemic and lifestyle diseases engulf the USA and the globe by draining trillions of dollars from the healthcare infrastructure. Dr. Rajiv is trying to raise public awareness about lifestyle associated diseases that affect every demographic of humanity.

Currently, people spend money daily on health food products and supplements. By using the four virtues of Trust, Honesty, Transparency, and Compassion, Dr. Rajiv’s DrGutHappiness.com platform will serve as a credible source of information and health products for educating and empowering modern day consumers with a one stop shopping platform for digestive health. Money saved by a healthy lifestyle will lead to financial freedom and hence give testimonial to the age old adage, “Health is Wealth.”

Dr. Rajiv is honored to participate in Alley’s contest to win a spot in their Alley Incubator, a prestigious business support ecosystem for entrepreneurs.  Alley, www.youralley.com, is a world renowned brand as it fuels creative innovation and entrepreneurship. The contest launches on Monday, March 12th on http://abc7ny.com/business/vote-your-favorite-entrepreneurs-into-the-new-alley-incubator/3189988/ where viewers can select and vote for their favorite entrepreneur to secure a spot in the Alley Incubator.

By voting for Dr. Rajiv Sharma and DrGutHappiness.com, we will promote those entrepreneurs who want to promote health by creating pure and honest brands that will help transform our world into a healthier place. Dr. Rajiv Sharma’s victory will also be a victory for healthcare consumers who want access to trusted digestive health products for themselves and their families. Another Indiana voting site is http://eathealthyindiana.com/

Join Dr. Rajiv Sharma in the Pursuit of Gut Happiness and VOTE for him as he represents Terre Haute, Indiana, and all people who want a healthier America and a healthier world. Let’s show New Yorkers that Hoosiers have entrepreneurial DNA as well.