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Gen Z’s Time in the Spotlight

Multigenerational workplaces are common today. In fact, you’re hard pressed to find a workplace that doesn’t have at least two, if not three, generations working side by side. Get ready to add a fourth generation: Generation Z or Gen Z, for short. It makes sense; members of this generation were born between 1995 and 2010 and are starting to [...]

2018-08-22T10:56:32-04:00August 22nd, 2018|

Shoppers Just Want to be Left Alone

Many brick and mortar retailers may think that extensive in-person interaction and service is how they can differentiate themselves in today’s competitive environment. Not so, according to recent research by HRC Retail Advisor. For decades, retailers thrived by employing in-store associates to provide shoppers with excellent customer service, advice and individualized attention. In the digital age, however, consumers prefer [...]

2018-07-16T17:56:53-04:00July 20th, 2018|